Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blessed Samhain and happy bday mom

Samhain was challenging and freeing at the same time this year.  It is the first Samhain and halloween without my mom here, a challenge in and of itself.  I had a great ritual with friends in the local coven and then halloween was filled with setting things up and preparing the kids with going out to trick or treat.  I stayed home to pass out candy, usually what my mom did, while Jon took the kids out with their costumes.  

This year it was a good balance and we were able to pull it off.  The kids came home excited and we all sang happy birthday to my mom.  Robert did well.  He said to the sky, "Grandma, I miss you and will never forget you".  it was hard to hold it back but I think I did well.

So now that we got through that holiday and now we are going to have to prepare for thanksgiving and trying to create new traditions while balancing the old...without her.

May all of your Samhain celebrations be filled with family and love.  Commune with your loved ones who have passed on and always remember you are still here for a reason.  
Blessed Be!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ancestor month, celebration of death

This month is challenging for us. Although it is one of the families favorite Sabbats, halloween is also my mom's birthday so we are balancing the excitement of the holiday with the stress of our lives now and the loss of my mom. We have our ancestor altar set up and are lighting the candles almost everyday in honor.

Today we went out and got Roberts mask for his costume. Tomorrow Jon plans on getting the costumes for Adrian and Sissy. Adrian wants to be the hulk or spider man. That seems easy enough.

Other than that, the book is out. I am trying to find a way to do active promotion and keep my sanity while balancing all the other responsibilities and pressure. We shall see how it pans out.

Blessed Samhain to one and all.