Monday, August 28, 2006

tonight's meeting

So we decided to sit down and have a meeting, do a little organizing. We talked about what things interest each family member and what we would like included in the family tradition. Here is a list of what we came up with:
  • energy work to promote positive energy in the family
  • meditation, especially to support grounding for the kids
  • craft night for bathsalts, candles, etc. (things to help the business)
  • family kitchen witchery stuff like baking and cooking meals together

So we are having craft night next sunday night and we will do some kitchen stuff as well.

Fullmoon is coming and we are going to do a house blessing and cleansing. We will also do our fullmoon wishing spell and possibly a family handfasting. Lots to do, lots to do.

The family decided to go the the 3 Rivers Festival (Pagan Pride/harvest moon festival) and support me at the fair. We are gonna make a weekend out of it and stay in a hotel all weekend. Yippee, that will be a fun, pagan family event.

Blessed Be!

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