Friday, August 31, 2007

Fullmoon ritual with the family

So, I had to blog about this experience last night. I was going to do a ritual to send crossover energy to a young woman who died last friday. Jon decided to do the ritual with me and I was a little shocked because it isn't usually his thing to do "structured" ritual activities.

We did ritual outside and it was wonderful. Our energies in circle were balanced and in harmony. Interestingly, Robert came to the door and wanted to come outside. He came and joined us in ritual right as we were ready to start the ritual take down.

He was very good and patient while jon took down the God and I the Goddess. He helped me say farewell to the water and when we got to fire he asked if he could say something to the sky.

He put his hands up to the sky and started to cry. He talked to the sky about how "Debbo didn't come back". For those of you who don't know, Debbo is his best friend who went back home and Robert hasn't been able to see him all summer. In fact, we were not really sure what happened to him and it has been confusing and frustrating for the family.

What surprised me was how Robert had this emotional conversation "with the sky" and he made perfect sense. Jon and I stood there watching him, amazed at his ability to push out such strong energy and communicate. It was in that moment that I knew Robert is going to be such a spiritual little guy. He was so powerful in that moment.

After he finished and told the sky to tell Debbo that he missed him, we continued to take down circle and he continued to cry. Grandma took Robert for a ride and drove by Debbo's house again (like we have been doing off and on) and thank the Gods that Debbo and his family was home. Robert got to spend a couple of hours with his best friend and came home rejuvenated.

And that was my ritual for this family moon cycle....

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