Monday, September 10, 2007

New moon aproaching

So as the new moon approaches, Jon and I have been talking more and more about doing a some spiritual work to promote needed change for one of our sons. We haven't decided what we are going to do but we do feel that something is in order.

Funny how when the family coven begins to work together as a machine, most of the things that need to be done become very natural. When we did ritual the other week, nothing was even planned but the energy was so well matched that it felt right. I enjoyed that and look forward to continuing to work with family energy that benefits the family. I hope that made sense, it does to me.

I will write about whatever we decide to do.
Blessing of light and love to all. Enjoy the turning of the wheel as the sun is slowing going away and the leaves are falling from the trees. Enjoy the crispness of the air and spread the love of nature and the universe with those you love.

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