Thursday, November 02, 2006

haunted happenings in California

Ok, so we had the ancestor altar set up, the candle lit and did dinner to celebrate them. As we sat around the table, we told great stories of our family that had passed.

So, around 9:00pm I went into the kitchen to throw something in the trash and all was well. About 10 minutes later Kevin went into the kitchen and the front door was wide open. Our front door is not easy to open so we immediately felt strange. Jon got up and checked things out. I got out the sage stick and began saging the house.

When I came back downstairs from saging Jon said, "I don't wanna freak you out but someone knocked at the door". Obviously there was no one there. He said it was a wierd knock, like it was far away or something. And he said he definatley felt something when it happened. (for those of you who don't know, Jon is energy sensitive)

So, needless to say, we saged some more. We then broke down the ancestor altar, thanked them but sent them on thier way and then sat to watch a movie.

Everything else seemed fine and nothing else happened after that. But it was definatley a weird experience. LOL!

I am not sure why all of a sudden I am spirit sensitive, but it is creepy.
Many blessings.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Preparation for Samhain and Halloween

So today was the day before Halloween and the family did many things to prepare for the new year. Jon worked hard to get together his haunted house at work and did a darn good job putting together enough stuff to scare the pants out of people. I threw my annual halloween party for the clients at my job and they seemed to have a good time. All costumes are ready to go and candy for trick or treaters is bought and ready.

So tonight the family, including aunt Jody, got together and did a fun filled night of pumkin carving and festive food. We carved pumkins, listened to a cd called "the night before Samhain", ate chilli cheese dogs, caramel apples and drank hot chocolate.

The kids loved it!!! The pumkins look great and I took lots of pictures that I will upload. Robert carved his first pumkin and although he did not like feeling the inside of the pumkin, he did a good job. And kevin's pumkin looks great!!!

So we are looking forward to tommorrow. We will make an altar honoring our ancesters as well.

Happy new years everyone!! Let go of the past and plan for the future.
Many blessings!!

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Kitchen Witch's Creed

The Kitchen Witch's Creed

In this pot, I stir to the sun
an' follow the rule of harming none.
Banishment of bane when goin' widdershins;
an' with water and salt
negativity is cleansed.
Household duties are more than chores.
Magick abounds when mopping floors.
With this broom, I do sweep
to clean my house and safely keep.
Marigold, Basil, Thyme, and Yarrow
my spell is cast for a better tomorrow.
Lemons for joy and apples for health
the pow'r within brings great wealth.
And, in this kitchen I do pray
To truly walk the Witches' Way

Copyright 1998, 1999 E. Zeigler

tonight's meeting

So we decided to sit down and have a meeting, do a little organizing. We talked about what things interest each family member and what we would like included in the family tradition. Here is a list of what we came up with:
  • energy work to promote positive energy in the family
  • meditation, especially to support grounding for the kids
  • craft night for bathsalts, candles, etc. (things to help the business)
  • family kitchen witchery stuff like baking and cooking meals together

So we are having craft night next sunday night and we will do some kitchen stuff as well.

Fullmoon is coming and we are going to do a house blessing and cleansing. We will also do our fullmoon wishing spell and possibly a family handfasting. Lots to do, lots to do.

The family decided to go the the 3 Rivers Festival (Pagan Pride/harvest moon festival) and support me at the fair. We are gonna make a weekend out of it and stay in a hotel all weekend. Yippee, that will be a fun, pagan family event.

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Our fullmoon

So, we had our first meeting together to discuss the virtues of our path and that went pretty good. Everyone agreed to everything and we moved to looking forward to the next thing.

So we dedicated a candle as the family spirit candle and it is to be lite every full moon and on our family togetherness night which is sundays. We did a mini ritual type activity where we stood all together and held hands around the table. We went around the circle to talk about what we are wanting to come to us with the energy of the fullmoon. I think the real little one said something about yugio cards or something, lol. The other kid said a good school year and we kind of had the young one repeat those words too. I sent energy out for happiness within the family and for those we are not with us now to find thier way back to truth. Grandma asked for good health and happiness and I think my husband asked for stability and happiness as well.

We will be working on a family handfasting for the next fullmoon to symbolize the unity of the family structure.

The virtues of our faith

Family: The connection we share as family is irreplaceable. We are but threads that weave together and create the web that will forever symbolize a bond that goes beyond blood and DNA. It is the sharing of mind and spirits that bond us together as family and we carry that responsibility seriously.

Honesty: Without honesty we cannot build trust. Without trust we cannot build foundation. Without foundation we have nothing, for everything build will eventually fall. This family is built on honest, trust and truth, therefore our foundation will remain solid throughout the adversity of life.

We live our lives with a moral and ethical code. We carry integrity by understanding and living by our values within our families and the universe.

Devotion: Devotion is an important part of the commitment we make to our families, this path and god/goddess/universal spirit.

Responsibility & Karma: We are responsible for our actions and the effects of our actions on others. We understand the laws of Karma and how they apply to us as individuals and a family.

Respect: We must respect each other and each living being for we are all children of the Gods. We all deserve respect and that is unconditional, just as love is unconditional.

Tolerance: Exercising tolerance can make the difference between living as a spiritual person or an aggressive person. We must practice tolerance with each other and with others. There will always be someone different or that doesn’t understand as we think they should. We must remember why we are here and why we do what we do.

Patience: Respecting that everyone grows at a different pace. Respecting that life does not happen on our terms and we must have patience for life to unfold sometimes.

Community: We have a responsibility to our community as a family and our community at large. We are here to learn and to teach. We believe in community awareness and community work. We must use our power to teach and heal the community or else we will not have a community to live or raise our children in years to come.

Harm none: We respect and follow the guidelines of the rede that say we harm no one in order to live or worship. We remain mindful of the responsibility of being a part the bigger picture that creates life, family and community, therefore we accept that we are responsible to work with purest of intention and heart. This doesn’t just apply to those outside of the family but with our communities and with ourselves.

Humility: We strive to stay humble in all our workings in the world. We understand our place in our families; the world and the universe while remaining humble enough to work towards change, light and love.

As Above, So below: We are connected to everything and everything is connected to us. We are all the creations of the Gods and we have a respect for everything made of the divine.

Unconditional love: Unconditional love is true love. We learn to love ourselves, our family and each other for who we are and who we may become. But our love should be unconditionally given to the human spirit in all. This does not mean we allow toxic people or things in our lives but it does mean that we can separate the two and still love unconditionally while protecting ourselves and family.