Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Lots of rising phoenix activities

This month has been packed with family coven activities. I posted about the ritual last Tuesday. On the 24th (full moon) Jon, Kat, Marvin (jon's brother) and I did a ritual together to leave behind the old year and take hope into the new.

The ritual went nicely and we came inside, had pie and battled eachother on SingStar until 12AM.

I got a change to talk with Marvin about Family of the rising phoenix and that he is welcomed to join in. It was nice to see him in ritual with us.

I was thinking, isn't it amazing how everything just comes full fold. I am sitting here with my husband and brother in law, all wearing pentacles and in one way or another working in the craft. Several years ago I would have never imagined that this would be the case. It is amazing and inspiring all at once.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Family ritual for Yule

So this past week a very close friend of mine and I did ritual with our kids. It ended up being me, the hubbie, Obsidian and the 6 and 7 year old boys.

they were so cute. The boys decided what quarters they were going to call and were really excited about doing ritual. So we all did rituals and made cinnamon and apple ornaments in circle. The kids were great and although it took a lot of our energy to keep theirs contained, it was worth it. It was a good ritual experience for the kids.

Friday, November 30, 2007

So much going on, so little time

I have been behind in blogging since October but now that I am done with nanowrimo I will have more time to blog. Life has been hectic and the family coven is hanging in there.

We have taken a new hobbie of making wands and staffs out of our trees in the front and back yards. I just found out last weekend that the trees are mulberry trees. They make beautiful wands and staffs. So now both Robert and I have a wand and I am working on my staff.

Interestingly enough we just found out that Jon's brother has found the craft and has made a decision to follow the craft. I don't know that he will officially be doing any work with the Family of the Rising Phoenix but it is quite possible. We are discussing doing something together for Yule, Possibly a ritual or something similar.

I have been considering scheduling some standard meetings for FRP to meet and discuss spiritual matters. If we do that we might invite Jon's brother to join us.

I will write more within the next week. We are preparing for yule and recovering from Thanksgiving. In the month of December we have something like 4 Yule celebrations and that doesn't even include our christmas stuff. Whew, I will be glad when we can relax after the holidays.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fall energy

Well, October has been an interesting month. I went camping in the redwoods for a spiritual retreat for 3 days and it was wonderful. Robbie is continuing with Spiral scouts and seems to be enjoying it still, which is good. Tomorrow is our meeting and we are going to a fire station and he has been asking about that for a week nonstop.

Jon and I went to Navlet's last night and bought some more flowers and herbs. We came home and planted them together in the cold, crisp, damp air. There was a great energy exchange between us during our planting that continued into a conversation about spirituality, harnessing and accepting our power, leadership, group politics, etc. I enjoyed it a lot and he stated that he did too. I hope we are so moved to have more of those types of conversations, it was refreshing.

We have been preparing for the coming winter. It has been raining pretty good for the last several days and the temperature has dropped significantly, especially at night time. Preparation for Samhain is in the works and this month is full of activities.

Blessed Be to all!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Singing the fall into our home

I wanted to post because I thought it was so cute. Jon and I were sitting outside on our lawn chairs and enjoying the weather (meditating, napping and reading) when we started singing Goddess songs.

As I am singing Hoof and Horn with jon, Robbie (who is playing ball) starts singing along with us and it was obvious that he knew the words. I thought that was great!! So we all sang for a little while and enjoyed the coming fall weather. The crispness in the air was refreshing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

New moon meditation

So Jon and I decided to sit outside and observe the energy of the new moon by relaxing on the porch, listening to chant music and some Dead Can Dance and light some incense. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we stayed out there for hours. At times throughout the few hours, our kids would come out and hang out for a bit before going back inside.

It was great to sit there and exist with the elements and allow myself to connect with them in such a peaceful manner. I don't know that I have felt this grounded in a while.

Jon made a comment that struck me as a great visual of energy and power. He said "I love how the smoke dances on the air" as he was watching the incense. And I sat there for about 20 minutes thinking, "so do I".

I am very grateful that my father priest and I am doing more together in a spiritual format. And he seems to be pleased as well.

Monday, September 10, 2007

New moon aproaching

So as the new moon approaches, Jon and I have been talking more and more about doing a some spiritual work to promote needed change for one of our sons. We haven't decided what we are going to do but we do feel that something is in order.

Funny how when the family coven begins to work together as a machine, most of the things that need to be done become very natural. When we did ritual the other week, nothing was even planned but the energy was so well matched that it felt right. I enjoyed that and look forward to continuing to work with family energy that benefits the family. I hope that made sense, it does to me.

I will write about whatever we decide to do.
Blessing of light and love to all. Enjoy the turning of the wheel as the sun is slowing going away and the leaves are falling from the trees. Enjoy the crispness of the air and spread the love of nature and the universe with those you love.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Fullmoon ritual with the family

So, I had to blog about this experience last night. I was going to do a ritual to send crossover energy to a young woman who died last friday. Jon decided to do the ritual with me and I was a little shocked because it isn't usually his thing to do "structured" ritual activities.

We did ritual outside and it was wonderful. Our energies in circle were balanced and in harmony. Interestingly, Robert came to the door and wanted to come outside. He came and joined us in ritual right as we were ready to start the ritual take down.

He was very good and patient while jon took down the God and I the Goddess. He helped me say farewell to the water and when we got to fire he asked if he could say something to the sky.

He put his hands up to the sky and started to cry. He talked to the sky about how "Debbo didn't come back". For those of you who don't know, Debbo is his best friend who went back home and Robert hasn't been able to see him all summer. In fact, we were not really sure what happened to him and it has been confusing and frustrating for the family.

What surprised me was how Robert had this emotional conversation "with the sky" and he made perfect sense. Jon and I stood there watching him, amazed at his ability to push out such strong energy and communicate. It was in that moment that I knew Robert is going to be such a spiritual little guy. He was so powerful in that moment.

After he finished and told the sky to tell Debbo that he missed him, we continued to take down circle and he continued to cry. Grandma took Robert for a ride and drove by Debbo's house again (like we have been doing off and on) and thank the Gods that Debbo and his family was home. Robert got to spend a couple of hours with his best friend and came home rejuvenated.

And that was my ritual for this family moon cycle....

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ancestor altar

The family has been activley working on our new ancestor altar in the family room. we have added a picture of the Goddess Yemaya, a Buddah statue, a family blessing candle and a yemaya candle, 7 shells for yemaya, a bowl of salt water to be replaced weekly, an incense holder, a frame from new orleans and a goddess box. we want some feathers to add, some watermelon seeds and possibly more things.

Woohoo family, working together to honor the spirits!!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Today Jon and I have officially been married for 9 years. Happy anniversary!!

Spiral scouts and gardening

Hey all. Spiral scouts is going great and Robert is loving it. He has done several projects already including a triple moon assignment where he learned the maiden, mother, crone and wheat weaving for Lammas. He really is enjoying himself.

The newest family coven project is the gardening we are doing and making our backyard a spiritual sactuary. I went with my friend to a garden store, bought a couple of things and started. Jon has been working on plans (with another friend) on putting in a veggie garden and planting some more grass, etc. So I am going to be working with Robbie and Kevin on the gardening and possibly do something around that for the next full moon.

Blessed Be!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Spiral Scouts coming soom

We are now involved in the ground phase of a new spiral scouts group that is starting in the area. Robert and I will get involved and hopefully he will be a great fit.

If you are interested in a Spiral scouts group that is local, contact me and I can forward the info.

blessed be!!

The New Hearth

We moved in on April 7th. It is a nice home and we are all comfortable in it. Throughout all the stress and worry, we found a nice place that suites our family better than the one we just moved from.

So after a month in the new home, business is back to normal. We are all settled in and have even mowed the lawn twice. Robert is enjoying the backyard the most and loves to use his scooter on the back covered patio. My mom is enjoying the fact that it is one level and she isn't going up steps anymore. But she is still getting exercise by walking the length of the house since it is long and on a double lot.

I think the Jon, Kevin and I are just enjoying the fact that there is a family room with a seperate space for privacy.

The universe, Lord and Lady heard our prayers and answered. We were able to get enough money from various sources to pay for everything we needed. Including getting a lot of our security deposit back from the other house when it felt like the landlord was set on finding ways to keep our money. In the end, he was fair.

And once again we are renewed in our faith in spirit and in the power of manifestation.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Light a candle for our new house

We found out in February that our landlord was selling the house and we would have to move. So we have been looking for a house that will suit our family and we will be comfortable in.

All three of us adults (me, hubby and mother) have a specific candle in each of our rooms that we are all lighting at night with the intention of illuminating and bringing the right house to us. So far this has definatley changed the mood of the house and given us an increased sense of hope that we will find just what we are looking for.

Will keep you posted.

Blessed Be!

protection from DJ Conway

By the power of the rising Sun,
All evil in my life is done.
By the power of the noonday blast,
All control is mine at last.
By the power fot he darkening night,
My Shield is strong, my armor tight.
By Full Moon in blackened Sky,
I am not alone. My help is night.
The Goddess's Hands around me stay,
To keep me safe by night and day.
Begone, foul spirits, unbidden here!
I send you out. I do not fear,
For I have won, I am set free!
You have nofurther power o'er me!

DJ Conway, Moon Magick, page 107

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Pagan Meal Blessing

A Pagan Meal Blessing

Holy mother earth,yours is the powerto grow,to destroy,to give birth.
We conjure you now,
by seed and by shoot,
by flower and fruit,
by light and by love,
from below and above,
in your ancient names:
Kore, Demeter, Persephone.
Grant us the blessings of your body.
Thank you for the blessings of your body.

Hush little baby Pagan Style

Hush Little Baby - (Author Unknown)

Hush little baby don't you squall
Momma's gonna buy you a crystal ball
And if you still can't see beyond
Momma's gonna buy you a magic wand
And if that wand don't change your fate
Momma's gonna teach you to levitate
And if the astral makes you sick
Momma's gonna buy you an incense stick
And if that frankincense smells rank
Mom'll buy a sensory deprivation tank
And if that tank don't float your bones
Momma's gonna buy you some some precious stones
And if those gems don't ease your heart
Momma's gonna buy you a natal chart
And if your planets go berserk
Momma's gonna buy you some bodywork
And if your aura still needs kneading
Momma's gonna buy you a past life reading
And if your destiny stays hid
Momma's gonna buy you a pyramid
And if your chakras still feel stressed
Momma's gonna take you on a vision quest
And if power animals don't come to charm ya
Sorry, kid, it's just your karma.