Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Lots of rising phoenix activities

This month has been packed with family coven activities. I posted about the ritual last Tuesday. On the 24th (full moon) Jon, Kat, Marvin (jon's brother) and I did a ritual together to leave behind the old year and take hope into the new.

The ritual went nicely and we came inside, had pie and battled eachother on SingStar until 12AM.

I got a change to talk with Marvin about Family of the rising phoenix and that he is welcomed to join in. It was nice to see him in ritual with us.

I was thinking, isn't it amazing how everything just comes full fold. I am sitting here with my husband and brother in law, all wearing pentacles and in one way or another working in the craft. Several years ago I would have never imagined that this would be the case. It is amazing and inspiring all at once.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Family ritual for Yule

So this past week a very close friend of mine and I did ritual with our kids. It ended up being me, the hubbie, Obsidian and the 6 and 7 year old boys.

they were so cute. The boys decided what quarters they were going to call and were really excited about doing ritual. So we all did rituals and made cinnamon and apple ornaments in circle. The kids were great and although it took a lot of our energy to keep theirs contained, it was worth it. It was a good ritual experience for the kids.