Monday, December 12, 2011

Long overdue

This update is long overdue.  Life has been hectic, as usual, and so much has happened in the last few months.  We have three new babies that have joined our Rising Phoenix family and we are very excited.  Angie, Amethist and Janet have blessed us all with new life and a continuing sense of renewal.  Congrats to them and the new additions to the family.  We also have another who is pregnant and expecting in May.  YAY Jade...  We are all very excited.

Pantheacon is coming fast and the Rising Phoenix family has a presentation on the schedule.  This was an exciting moment to have us come together to do a presentation for others about working within family and spirituality.  We will post information here as we get closer, to announce the dates and times of the presentation for those who are going.

In addition, I am working on the third book and it has been officially signed with Immanion/Megalithic Press.  More details to come about that as we move closer to a date and official release information.

Angie has been working hard on her new project and company, Pagan Writers Press.  This press has already released two anthologies and has contracted with several authors for upcoming books.  We are very excited about the success that Angie is having and the services she is providing to Pagan writers and within the community.

More updates and information to be posted soon, it will not be as long this time.
Many blessings of peace, love and family.
Crystal Blanton

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Two articles about my work in minnesota

Here is a link to Pagan Newswire Collective Minnesota's site where there are several articles about my work in the Twin Cities and their report on the interview with Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Elevations and Family

We have had two new additions to the Rising Phoenix family within the last two months.  Stacy joined us through Patrick and elevated to her first degree.  It is exciting to continue to build connections with people, especially those who are so dedicated to spiritual growth and honor.

And today I had the pleasure of elevating Jade to her first degree in the tradition and she is well on her way to studying for her second degree.  Jade is a talented witch who has been a constant support in my life for years now. It was a pleasure to work with Obsidian in elevating Jade to her first degree, knowing this was one step in catching up her energetic power, knowledge and initiations to a balanced place.

Hopefully we will have an announcement soon about Obsidian (who has long ago completed her third) getting her official elevation and Jenna receiving her second.

Plans are also underway for Pantheacon 2012 and once again having a gathering of several Rising Phoenix members from several states together.

Blessed Be and Blessed Lammas

Sunday, May 08, 2011

We Shall Rise

The last month or so has been good for the family.  With the bay area family, we have been busy with the business of family.  The book has been doing well, lots of interviews, several appearances, a successful number of interviews and trying to keep forward momentum in the development of the book and promotion.  Jon has completed and started promoting his first song, a very exciting time.  The kids are doing well and things are moving in a good direction.

In other parts of the family, we have three pregnant members and it is a thought that our year will be about manifestation and new growth.

I am very excited to see how the year progresses and what happens for the family throughout this year.  Stay tuned.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Blessed Ostara

This was a wonderful Ostara for me.  It was simple, fun of laughs and loved ones and a wonderful ritual of thanks and manifestation.  It was great to have Jon join the ritual, participate and lend his energy to the collective energy of the circle.  Everyone enjoyed having him in the circle, especially me.

After the ritual we got to hang out and chat.  It was really nice.  I think it is important to take the opportunities we can when they come, to gain peace and balance.  While we all struggle with daily living, finding peace and balance is just as important as reaching the expectations of others.

May you all have a wonderful Ostara full of blessings and support for the coming year.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Creating an Ethical Code for your House

As Heads of our own Households it is imperative that we have a clearly defined ethical code. Whether
we have kids or not, it is good to know the rules of the house. Yet so many Pagans I know focus just
on the Rede and kind of a general sense of right and wrong but that doesn't always lend itself to being
easily taught.

So I have put together a few lists of different virtues. To begin the process of taking these lists and
creating the Code of Ethics for your Household you need to sit down with your partner (if you have
one) and have a candid discussion about how you want your children to act. Then take those lists
and any other ethics you can think of, remember the lists are simply guides and not a complete
compendium, and begin to whittle them down to a list of twelve.

Twelve is simply a suggested goal because it is a manageable list that young children can easily grasp.

After you have done this write them out on poster board and hang them in your house so that everyone
in the Family Coven can see them and be reminded of them on a daily basis.

Now don't think that you are done working at this. It is your job to live by these, to let your kids see
you do that, and to make sure that they begin to act according to these rules.

If your children are old enough they may ask why they weren't included in this process. I believe that
children should not be included in the process because they are not old enough to have developed their
own system of ethics and a sense of right and wrong. Besides they may try to include virtues like ice
cream for dinner.
But of course, remember that, these are all just guidelines, not rules set in stone.

The Nine Noble Virtues

1. Courage
2. Truth
3. Honor
4. Fidelity
5. Hospitality
6. Discipline
7. Industriousness
8. Self Reliance
9. Perseverance

In Latin, the word cor is the root for the word coraticum which means heart. This is the known
etymology for the word courage, which is also translated as with heart. So Courage is to "have heart".
Now Courage can mean to be brave or can mean to face life head on with passion. To operate from the
heart, seat of passion and love. But it also means to live your own life in the right way regardless of
how others view you.

Truth probably sounds relatively easy. Tell no lies. But Truth means much more than that. I have found
that it is easier to not tell lies when you don't do things that you feel that you have to lie about. In other
words be honest with yourself, first and foremost. Truth is also about having the courage to always own
up to what you did.

Honor is synonymous with the word respect. When you honor other people you express your feeling
that the other person has earned your respect. All of the Nine Noble Virtues center around Honor.

If you act with courage, tell the truth, are loyal to others, behave with discipline, are hospitable and
industrious, rely on yourself to accomplish things, and persevere until you finish what you set out to
do, you will certainly command honor from others. More important, if you live that way, you can honor
and respect yourself as well and never need to be ashamed of what you have done. Honor means to
respect others and their beliefs and also to demand Honor from others and defending others that are not
treated honorably.
But most importantly having Honor is to fulfill the promises that you make. Sometimes that this may
mean that you have to think before you act and speak.

Fidelity is just a fancy word for being faithful or loyal to a person or thing and to give them help when
they need it. But not if that means that you violate one of the other eight virtues to give them that help.
And to not ally yourself with some group or person that stands against your own ethics. Having Fidelity
also means being faithful to yourself.

Discipline is best described as self-discipline. It is the exercise of personal will that upholds honor and
the other virtues. It is that which transforms impulse into action. Look around you at modern culture,
and it isn't hard to see the lack of discipline that is evident. We are surrounded people obsessed with
their rights and that seem to forget their responsibilities entirely.

Hospitality is the center of ancient culture. Without hospitality and the included kindness for each other
than we would have never made it this far as a race. And again this is something that is lacking in our
modern culture. Kindness for strangers is gone, and is replaced by the "gimme" culture.

Industriousness is best defined as persevering determination to perform a task. To embody this is not
to just simply work harder than anyone. Rather it is to live life to the fullest, complete to the end every
task that we begin, and to be the best at everything that we do.

Self-Reliance in relation to the Nine Noble Virtues is important. The Virtues are basically a self-
imposed morality, meaning that self-reliance is necessary if we are to follow this ethic system. This is
also important in the religion of the Asatru, they believe that if we are to ask things of the Gods then we
must be worthy of them and the things that we have asked for.
This can also be extended to embrace a minimalist lifestyle, to be truly self-reliant then we must learn
to live with only those things that are absolutely necessary.

The final virtue is Perseverance. It is also the one that I believe that we must hold first in our mind. Our
world is far from perfect and if we are to make anything out of ourselves then we must persevere. It is
easy to have Perseverance when we continue to succeed but at some point we will eventually fail and it
is the truest measure of our character if we continue on after a failure.

Thirteen Virtues of the Witch

1. Tolerance
2. Charity
3. Humility
4. Devotion
5. Patience
6. Kindliness
7. Forbearance
8. Sincerity
9. Courage

Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the differences in the people that we meet.
Charity is love and compassion, combined with an interest in the welfare of others.
Humility is the absence of arrogance and pride.
With children Devotion is the trait that they must learn to stay committed to a project without quitting.
Patience. Probably the hardest lesson for children to learn. But children must learn to be patient, to
learn to wait for the tides of energy to shift. So that they don't quit when things become boring.
Kindliness is the sincere wish to never hurt another and to never see another suffer.
Forbearance is the ability to let things go. Not to be walked all over but rather to know when to take
offense and when not to.
Sincerity is the absence of deceit. It is like honesty in that the sincere person seeks after truth and
justice in their lives.
Courage is the ability to face one's fear and to overcome it. It is not the bravery of the foolish but rather
a well thought response to the events at hand.
Precision to be as correct and accurate as one can be.
Efficiency. Waste not, want not. Frugality ties in here. To use as little as one can to do the job at hand
as full as possible.
Discrimination. To see behind the scenes and the words of others to find the truth within them.
Wisdom. Knowledge tempered by experience and matured through understanding.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My 2011 Pantheacon Experience

This year I had the pleasure of attending Pantheacon for the second year in a row. Just like the first year I attended it was an amazing experience. One of the difficult things about Pantheacon is that there is so much to do and you end up being so busy, that it is hard to have enough time with the people you are staying with. It was so wonderful getting to spend time with Rev. Crystal, Jade, Kat, Jenna (Sulaire), Anna, Megan, Chris, Jason, and Jon, but of course it just wasn’t enough time! I really wish I had gotten to spend more time with all of them! It is very hard to find the right amount of balance at Pantheacon because you are trying to socialize, attend events, and spiritually grow all at the same time. Enough of my grumbling though, let’s move on to the good stuff.

The main highlight of Pantheacon 2011 for me was getting to meet so many of my heroes. Last year I attended some events with some of my so called heroes, but I didn’t actually go up and “meet” them. This year I made an effort to seek out the people I wanted to meet and to actually have a conversation with them. First thing Friday afternoon I went up to Ruth Barrett’s vendor booth and introduced myself. I told her how much I love her book and have used it when creating rituals. I then attended her workshop, where we all discussed the past and future of the Dianic Tradition. It was an amazing meeting! Listening to all the women present tell their stories about their fight for Paganism and women’s rights, it was so inspiring! At the meeting I also had the pleasure of meeting Z Budapest. She sat down next to me, so I introduced myself. I have to admit I kind of made of fool of myself because I was so stunned when she sat down next to me. I asked her if she was Z Budapest and told her I was a little star struck. She just laughed at me and was really nice about the whole thing.  I also attended her ritual later that night, which of course was nothing short of amazing.  Late Friday night while attending the Pomba Gira Devotional I got to meet Sparrow and Mojo from The Wigglian Way. I knew they were attending Pantheacon for the first time and I was determined to meet them. I didn’t realize the first time I would be meeting them was when I was all sweaty and on the dance floor-LOL. It was really fun though because I got to dance with them, as well as, some of the other Wigglian Way guests (like EcoPriestess). I got to meet Le’ema Kathleen Graham also known as the Snake Priestess as well on Friday. I even ended up having dinner with her and her husband Friday night. I attended all her workshops including her snake yoga on Saturday morning. It was very difficult to get up early on Saturday morning and do yoga, but it was so worth it. We ended the session by dancing with her live snakes-totally awesome! 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pantheacon and family

This year was a very special year for me at Pantheacon.  Although all of them have been exciting, fun and eventful; this one included my husband, members of SSC and FRP/RFT.... and it was the first Con after my mom's death that I was able to see the whole picture and enjoy those around me.

I loved spending time with Sulaire, Hoi Sum and the girls.  It was so exciting to be with family and enjoy the spiritual connection we all have, within a spiritual setting that allowed mundane problems to be on the back burner while we just got the chance to be with one another.  It made it even harder when it was time to part and give the last hug to each other for what might be another year.

All the seminars were great, music was wonderful, I sold all the books I took with me and met some incredible people.  Jon had a blast and is excited for the next year.  What an incredible feeling.  I hope that more FRP/RPT family members are able to join us in the years to come.

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Family Reunion at Pcon 2011

This year I am very excited to get together with some of my distant family members.  I am hoping that we will have some more great time to connect and share love with one another.  So far Jon and I will be going, Hoi Sum and Sulaire will be flying in and Obsidian will be there as well.  We are not sure if Heather is able to come but I am still holding out hope that she will.

It is nice to know that atleast once a year I have the opportunity to meet up with those that I love and share magic together.  The past couple of years at pantheacon have be invaluable for that exact reason, I couldn't put a price on it.  I just love the chance to be with everyone and be in a spiritual space at the same time.

I hope that many people get the chance to come to the Con this year, it looks like the programming is full of exciting workshops.  I will be presenting two workshops this year and will have books on hand to sell and sign.

blessed Be!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Ideas for Kiddos

So I have been working off and on with my now 9 year old son in learning our spiritual ways.  He is pretty good when he puts his mind to ritual or doing other crafty Pagan type things.  Lately we have not been diligent in working on anything together and I am about to change that.  I am reading through a book right now on Pagan Children Degrees in Paganism and it is sparking some ideas.  I think I am going to be putting together some things to work with him on and setting it up for him to earn awards for completing.

I think it might also be great time we can spend together and do just spiritual stuff.  This would be good for both of us.  So I am going to start small and start this week.  I will keep everyone posted.

Blessed Imbolc and may the growing sun shine a little more each day in your life.

Amethyst Sage, HPs

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Developments coming

New things are happening here.  Woohoo!!  The members of FRP decided to make it formal and open the tradition up for training by others who have trained with FRP.  This has already prompted a response from the universe, along with Angie's website help, and some of the FRP clan already has some new students.  Amazing how the universe works!

In the coming month this site will continue to change and you will even see posts from others within the tradition on here.  I am very excited to see others putting out their positive words and inspiration on the blog to support the true picture of what it means to live a spiritual life and rise from the ashes of the many trials of the mundane.

More to come!  Onward and Upward.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

New Years Blessings

We spent new years together at home, watched a movie, did the count down, lit our candles and toasted with sparkling cider.  We made a wish for prosperity, healing and good energy in the coming year.  This is very important since the last year was so challenging, we are eager to move up on the happiness meter.  

Hope everyone had a good holiday and is prepared to let the new year bring happiness and light.