Sunday, June 06, 2010

Standing alone and leaving the nest

Many things have changed in 2010, actually starting in 2009. One of the things that has been a big change has been around FWTI, or Family Wiccan Tradition International. After the illness of Lydia, she took a leave of absence that then turned into a permanent leave. Many things happened through the various transitions, including the continued decline of active membership and energy coming in to sustain the organization.

With that said, the board of FWTI has decided to close it's doors and we are looking to set a end date very soon. Rising Phoenix is not closing down but we will no longer be under the umbrella of FWTI and will be flying solo as a tradition and family coven that continues to train people.

I am sad to see FWTI go but I am looking forward to funneling the energy that has been going to FWTI and back into Rising Phoenix.

I will keep things updated as we move closer and more development around changes withing FRP manifest.

Blessed Be and Blessed Summer!!