Monday, December 12, 2011

Long overdue

This update is long overdue.  Life has been hectic, as usual, and so much has happened in the last few months.  We have three new babies that have joined our Rising Phoenix family and we are very excited.  Angie, Amethist and Janet have blessed us all with new life and a continuing sense of renewal.  Congrats to them and the new additions to the family.  We also have another who is pregnant and expecting in May.  YAY Jade...  We are all very excited.

Pantheacon is coming fast and the Rising Phoenix family has a presentation on the schedule.  This was an exciting moment to have us come together to do a presentation for others about working within family and spirituality.  We will post information here as we get closer, to announce the dates and times of the presentation for those who are going.

In addition, I am working on the third book and it has been officially signed with Immanion/Megalithic Press.  More details to come about that as we move closer to a date and official release information.

Angie has been working hard on her new project and company, Pagan Writers Press.  This press has already released two anthologies and has contracted with several authors for upcoming books.  We are very excited about the success that Angie is having and the services she is providing to Pagan writers and within the community.

More updates and information to be posted soon, it will not be as long this time.
Many blessings of peace, love and family.
Crystal Blanton