Saturday, September 26, 2009

long overdue updates

So, I have come to the conclusion that I have not been posting the blog as I should have and was quite surprised that it has been so long. I thought it had only been a couple of months and when I checked the other day, I saw it has been much longer. So a series of updates and a general commitment to blog more is essential.

Let's see.... our current family coven consists of Jon, Coco, Keith, Kevin, Robert, Nayeli and Adrian (grandkids), Melissa, Sam, Angie, Tricia, Janet, Kathryn, Scott and I. (hope I didn't miss anyone)

All the students seem to be on the right track and working towards their degrees. I am going to be elevating Kathryn to the 3rd degree as soon as we can arrange a schedule and I can finish writing a ritual.

Keith is back home and came back officially in April. We had to fight to get the kids since the situation they were in was not good for them. We got Nayeli in May and Adrian in June and they have been with us ever since. Keith has physical custody of Adrian and Jon and I have guardianship of Nayeli.

Let's see, Jon and I are both back in College and studying for our psychology degrees. this is a part of the plan for the long term overview for the family. Hopefully this family will continue to promote education and the act of learning.

Other than that, I guess there is not too much to share. We have been caught up in the business of family transition and trying to re-balance after the huge transitions of life.

We have been lucky enough to have Melissa visit for a couple of weeks before going back to England and we are hoping to have a nice reunion with FRP and FWTI people in February at pantheacon. Updates to continue to come.

Blessed Be.