Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fall energy

Well, October has been an interesting month. I went camping in the redwoods for a spiritual retreat for 3 days and it was wonderful. Robbie is continuing with Spiral scouts and seems to be enjoying it still, which is good. Tomorrow is our meeting and we are going to a fire station and he has been asking about that for a week nonstop.

Jon and I went to Navlet's last night and bought some more flowers and herbs. We came home and planted them together in the cold, crisp, damp air. There was a great energy exchange between us during our planting that continued into a conversation about spirituality, harnessing and accepting our power, leadership, group politics, etc. I enjoyed it a lot and he stated that he did too. I hope we are so moved to have more of those types of conversations, it was refreshing.

We have been preparing for the coming winter. It has been raining pretty good for the last several days and the temperature has dropped significantly, especially at night time. Preparation for Samhain is in the works and this month is full of activities.

Blessed Be to all!!